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Website development for legal services and advice in the field of obtaining a residence permit

Beginning of work: May 2020

Field of activity: legal services and advice in the field of obtaining a residence permit / permanent residence and the provision of other services.

Objective: To create a website to demonstrate legal services to the consumer.

History: The customer turned to us to create a website that will allow his clients to independently study all the services provided, choose the one they are interested in and seek legal advice. The list of services includes obtaining a permanent residence/residence permit in Spain, assistance in homologation of documents, registration in Spain, and other things.

What we did: prototyping, technical assignment, design, layout, programming, testing.

Prototyping and design: Prototyping is not the most interesting stage, so let’s go straight to creating a naming, then a logo, and a website.

Naming. The team arranged a brainstorming session on the name of the site. We wanted to choose a descriptive name that would explain both the essence of the service and the direction, therefore, after going through a huge number of names, we came to β€œRoad to Spain”.

Logo and design. We tried to reflect the name in the logo, which is why the thematic backpack of the traveler appeared. Black, white, and brown were chosen as colors for the logo and the website since the audience is quite mature. These colors in web design inspire confidence in the services provided and confidence in the person who provides them.

The rigor and purity of the design are what we followed while developing it. All details and elements we have agreed with the client.

Layout and programming: We implemented the website on WordPress with the connection of various modules, which will further make life easier for both the client and the SEO specialists. We did not connect any specific buns, but in this case, it would be superfluous, because the website is aimed at an adult audience.

Further work: After finishing work on programming and filling the website with content, SEO-specialists took up and continue to work on it now.

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