Redesign of the website

for decoration with balloons in Minsk

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Accent: from the logo, expresses the accent well, thematically complementing the mood of the website.
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Complementary: soft color to add atmosphere and mood to the website, as well as accompanying the topic.


Regular Bold Italic
The typeface was taken from the previous website and was limited to 3 styles.
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The work began with the development of a new logo and website prototypes
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Webernetic - photo 19 Having studied the potential audience of the site, we came to these criteria when developing: Webernetic - photo 20

The website should express a festive mood, be comfortable for use, and the client.

The shapes should have a ball and cloud overtones, β€œsoft and friendly”.

The background pattern is also based on the theme.

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Do not overload the blocks, the website should be light and airy.

The emphasis on the pages should be built on the information the user came for and a direct call to action.

Refuse to use small elements on the pages.

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