Start of project: 2018
The beginning of useful cooperation: 2013
It all started 6 years ago
The client contacted us on a recommendation in 2013. We met to discuss possible steps for the development of the client’s website and decided that it was worth working together. The first 1.5 years of work showed results: we developed the client’s website, launched the context, and promoted the organization on social networks. As a result, we increased our turnover by 28.7%.
It’s not the end of the story. We have been actively working on SEO promotion: we have brought the company’s key queries to the TOP-3.
During the work with the client, we managed to work in completely different directions. For example, in 2015 we renewed the name of the company from Stekolsky to Steklodom (an employee of the Webernetic team was the ideological inspiration). And we jointly developed a logo for the new name. We found a heraldist and conveyed the entire history of relations between the two partners of the client’s company in a new logo.
In 2016, we developed landing pages and launched traffic to it.
2018 … 2019
We approached 2018 and decided to create something new. The client’s previous website was outdated, and the company has changed its product line priorities: mirrors have come to the fore. We have revised the structure of the previous website taking into account the new priorities of the Glass House: we collected the semantic core, created an improved new version of the site’s structure. Based on this data, were drawn prototypes:
Based on prototypes, the design was drawn and approved. It was wrapped up, stretched onto CMS WordPress, and filled with goods: mirrors, shower cubicles, glass tables, inserts, partitions, etc.
Autumn 2019
Layout, programming, and testing on a good website is not the last step. An obligatory stage is the development of the website including SEO. Our SEO specialists wrote tags on the website, worked with external links, prepared texts that would be understandable to both users and search engines.
Recent work: we analyzed commercial factors on competitors’ websites and proposed a solution for improving the website usability. The story continues: we work with a client in SEO promotion.
We participate in the Google Partners program
#4 digital marketing agency in Eastern Europe
#1 SEO company in Eastern Europe
Top 3 developers of online stores in Eastern Europe
Top 10 web studios in Eastern Europe